[Mendele] MENDELE Personal Notices and Announcements--"Beyond the Pale"'s two upcoming concerts in NYC
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Fri Jun 12 09:58:36 EDT 2009
MENDELE Personal Notices and Announcements
June 12, 2009
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From: beyondthepale.net
Date: June 11, 2009-06-12
Subject: Upcoming concert
Dear music lovers,
We are very thrilled to announce the pending release of Beyond the Pale's
third CD, entitled "Postcards." The CD is an eclectic mix of original
compositions and unique arrangements of traditional material. Klezmer,
Yiddish, Romanian, and Balkan sounds abound, mashed up with a host of
other influences and performed with virtuoso musicianship and
characteristically meticulous arrangements. The CD will be officially
released in the US next month and in Canada in August.
We will be performing in NYC next week as part of a CD pre-release tour.
In addition to participating in Theodore Bikel's 85th birthday celebration
at Carnegie Hall on June 15, we will be performing a full CD release
concert at the club *Drom* *on Tuesday June 16, 7:30pm*. Tickets are $10
in advance, $12 at the door. Drom is located at 85 Avenue A (between 5th
and 6th), in the East Village. Call 212-777-1157 for more info or visit
There is a flyer attached with information about the NY-area show(s) and
the CD. You can also visit the following link to read more about the CD
and to hear some audio samples:
Hope to see you in New York!
Beyond the Pale
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