[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements--YAFAC Khanike Simkhe honoring the memory of Mina Bern Bonus, z"l, 12/9/10
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Sun Nov 14 19:36:49 EST 2010
Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements
November 14, 2010
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YAFAC Khanike Simkhe honoring the memory of Mina Bern Bonus, z"l, 12/9/10
Libe Mendelyaner,
Ir zent hartsik farbetn/ You are cordially invited:
Annual YAFAC Chanukah Simkhe honoring the memory of Mina Bern z"l on
Thursday, 12/9/10 - see details below.
Catch the Folksbiene Troupe in Baltimore on Sunday, 12/5/10
Details at: http://amks.wordpress.com/performances/
Mit vareme danktog (Thanksgiving) un khanike grusn,
Amanda (Miryem-Khaye) Seigel
Yiddish Singer/Songwriter
amkseigel at yahoo.com
Yidishe Artistn un Fraynd Khanike Simkhe, a musical tribute to the memory
of our beloved Mina Bern Bonus, will take place on Thursday, December
9,2010 at 6:30 PM at our headquarters 31 East 7th Street, NYC
A glatt kosher dinner will be served with all the yom tov
trimmings---latkes with apple sauce, tzimes, and other tasty maykholim.
We are proud to have as our guest entertainers
Members: $ 25.00, Guests: $ 30.00
Reservations required by DECEMBER 1, 2010 - send checks to Ruth Harris,
379 Barnard Ave, Cedarhurst, NY 11516. Email yafac18 at aol.com
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victor.bers at yale.edu (in the subject line write Mendele Personal)
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mendele at mailman.yale.edu
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