[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements--Artistic Laboratory of Research and Creation for a New Yiddish Theater From September to November in NYC
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Wed Aug 17 18:17:41 EDT 2011
Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements
Aug. 16, 2011
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Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2011 13:36:51 +0000
From: Milena Kartowski <estellita_vie at hotmail.com>
Subject: Artistic Laboratory of Research and Creation for a New Yiddish
Theater From September to November in NYC
Company Les Haim in association with the Itinerant Chulent Yiddish Theater
Workshopis looking for Actors, Musicians, Dancers, Singers, Visual
Artists, Writers deeply committed to Jewish/Yiddish artistic creation in
order to create an Artistic Laboratory of Research and Creationfor a New
Yiddish Theater From September to November in NYC Led by Milna Kartowski,
actress, singer and writer from Paris.
Using the techniques of Grotowski and anthropological theater for a
multidisciplinary and physical theater together with an organic process of
improvisation, we'll work on what could be a new poetic Yiddish theater at
the crossroads of art and identity. Breaking boundaries and stereotypes,
how do we react to Yiddishkayt today Which first impulses come out? How
does the musicality of Yiddish affect our body and lead us to
dance-theater, visual expression, music composition? How can we create the
chance for open poetic spaces in order to inspire a new Yiddish theatrical
adventure with profound artistic expectations and hopes?
Please send your resume and a letter describing your artistic background
to: milenakartowski at gmail.com
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