[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements--two new publications from Alsace

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Sun Mar 6 13:00:14 EST 2011

Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements

March 6, 2011

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Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2011 21:02:11 +0100
From: astrid starck <astrid.starck at unibas.ch>
Subject:Two new publications

Dear friends,

I would like to announce two publications

1. Mikhoel Felsenbaums novel, "Shabesdike Shvebelekh" in a German 
translation: "Engelsfalle". Menora, Tel Aviv-Basel 2010. The book can be 
ordered from Prof. Astrid Starck, Universit de Haute Alsace, Facult des 
Lettres et Sciences Humaines, 10, rue des Frres Lumire, F-68100 Mulhouse 
(France) for 30 euros.

2. "Les Cahiers du CREDYO 5. Bleter far mayrev-yidish. Mulhouse 2010. This 
issue is devoted to Max and Uriel Weinreich with unpublished documents on 
Alsatian and Swiss Yiddish. The journal and 2 CDs can be ordered from 
Prof. Astrid Starck (Ed.), same address, for 40 eurps

Tayere fraynd,

s'iz nor vos dershinen tsvey vikhtike sakhn legabe yidish

1. Mikhoel Felsenbaums roman, Shabesdike Shvebelekh" in zeyer a guter 
daytshisher iberzetung vos heyst ENGELSFALLE (Menoyre-Farlag, Tel-Aviv 
Basel 2010). Das bukh ken men bashteln far 30 euros bay Prof. Astrid 
Starck vos hot ongefirt mit der iberzetzung.

2. Les Cahiers du CREDYO Nr. 5. Bleter far mayrev-yidish. Mulhouse 2010. 
Der zhurnal iz gevidmet Max un Uriel Weinreichen un shraybt vegen Yidish 
in Elzas un der "Bores Medine". Der zhurnal mit tsvey kompaktlekh, vos me 
ken zey bashteln bay Prof. Astrid Starck, kost 40 euros
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