[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements--Aging Yiddish speaker in NY needs Yiddish conversation
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Sun Mar 6 18:27:34 EST 2011
Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements
March 6, 2011
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From: pglasser at yivo.cjh.org
Subject: An aging yiddish speaker
I am writing on behalf of a friend of mine who has MS and is now confined
to a nursing home (the Amsterdam in Manhattan). His first language was
Yiddish and he rarely has a chance to speak it anymore, though he is alert
and able to do so. Can you refer me to any people who might be willing to
make a friendly Yiddish visit now and then? It would mean a lot to my
Emily Davidson
Emily J. Davidson, PA-C, DC
Assoc. Director
Physician Assistant Program
School of Health Behavioral Sciences
York College/CUNY (718)262-2848
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