[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements--LEBENS-FRAGN Sixtieth-Year Jubilee
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Fri Mar 25 07:26:20 EDT 2011
Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements
March 25, 2011
To minimize wear and tear on the untershames, three requests:
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Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 14:01:06 +0200
From: Brith Haavoda <brtavoda at netvision.net.il>
Akhtung Mendelyaner,
Der tsvey khadoshim zhurnal "LEBNS-FRAGN" velkher dershaynt in Israel un
iz "di eyntsike yidishe tsaytshrift oyf yidish in miteln orient"
greyt zikh optsumerkn in khoydesh may dem yubiley fun 60 yor regulern
dershaynen fun di LEBNS-FRAGN, dem organ fun dem Arbeter-Ring in Isroel.
Mir rufn di getraye leyeners fun ot dem yidishveltlekhn sotsyalistishn
zhurnal, arayntsushikn biz dem 15tn April zeyere bagrisungen, oprufn un
bashtayerungen tsu dermeglekhn dos tsugreytn un aroysgebn dem fayerlekhn
yoyvl-numer un oykh di vayterdike numern fun dem yidishn zhurnal.
Fargest nisht, az der zhurnal iz di beshutfesdike shafung fun der
redaktsye, fun di mitarbeter un fun di leyeners.
Itst greytn mir tsum druk dem regulern numer far Merts-April, un oyb du
host nokh nisht geleyent dem letstn, vi ale mol biz gor interesantn, numer
fun Yanuar-Februar 2011, kenstu im bashteln un abonirn oyfn untn
ongevizenem adres un oykh araynkukn in undzer vebzayt. Vest do gefinen
aktuele informatsyes un artiklen fun algemeynem, yidishn, literarishn un
kultur-gezelshaftlekhn interes:
Brith Haavoda ~V Arbeter-Ring
48 Kalisher st
TEL-AVIV 65165
Tel / fax: 972 3 5176764
undzer blitspost: Brtavoda at netvision.il
Ir kent oykh gefinen undzer webzeyt in internet:
Der blits-post adres fun dem redaktor iz:
luden at netvision.net.il
Dear Mendelyaner,
In May 2011, the bi-monthly Israeli journal "Lebns-fragn", "the only
Yiddish periodical in the Middle East" will be marking the 60th
anniversary of its regular uninterrupted publication by the Arbeter-ring
in Israel.
We call upon the devoted readers of this secular, socialist Yiddish
journal to send in greetings and donations by April 15th, to enable us to
prepare a gala jubilee issue, as well as to enable us to continue our work
in future issues.
Remember that this publication is a joint production of the editorial
board, its staff, and its readers.
At present, we are preparing for print the regular March-April 2011 issue,
and if you have as yet not read the most recent, interesting as always,
January-February issue, you can still subscribe at the address below. You
can also visit our website.
Brith Haavoda ~V Arbeter-Ring
48 Kalisher st
TEL-AVIV 65165
E-mail address: Brtavoda at netvision.il
Our website: www.lebnsfragn.com
Editor's E-mail: luden at netvision.net.il
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victor.bers at yale.edu (in the subject line write Mendele Personal)
Material for postings to Mendele Yiddish literature and
language,i.e.inquiries and comments of a non-commercial or publicity
mendele at mailman.yale.edu
IMPORTANT: Please include your full name as you would like it to appear
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Submissions to regular Mendele should not include personal email
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