[Mendele] Mendele Vol. 21.006

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Mon Oct 3 17:17:34 EDT 2011

Mendele: Yiddish literature and language



Contents of Vol. 21.006

October 2, 2011


1) "Dem shoyfets marts" (Hinde Bursztyn)

2) Song lyrics sought (Shane Baker)

3) "milionike" (Martin Jacobs)

4) "shantazh" and "spodik" (Martin Friedman)

5) Yiddish absent from the "Great Courses" (Morrie Feller)   

6) Additional queries about heirs/estates of Yiddish writers (Joyce Rappaport)

7) "kick" oyf yidish (Rukhl Shaechter)

8) "kick" oyf yidish (Sylvan Beer)

9) "kick" oyf yidish (Philip Muzlish)



Subject: "Dem shoyfets marte"

Date:September 13, 2011


Sholem aleykhem un grusn fun oystralye,


In Rokhl Korns lid "Der elfter lefl" gefint zikh a shure:


"Host efsher feld far ale, vi dem shoyfets marte?"


Vos oder ver iz dem shoyfets marte?


Ikh dank aykh gor hartsik far ayer hilf.


Mit vareme grusn,


Hinde Burshtin



Date:September 11, 2011

Subject: Song Lyrics Sought (Reyzele)


Leah Szlanger of Ha-Cameri and Kol-Yisroel recorded the song in question (Reyzele, hot zi an eyzele). I am sure she would oblige with the lyrics, or if you can't reach her, contact me and I'll put you in touch with her.




Shane Baker


Date:September 18, 2011

Subject: "milionike"


Ikh bin mispael gevorn fun der ashires vos ligt avekgeleygt umbamerkt tsvishn di milionike obyektn in YIVO-Arkhiv.   Does "milionike" here mean "a million or so" or "millions" or something else?


Thanks in advance,

Martin Jacobs



Date:September 25, 2011

Subject: "shantazh" and "spodik"


In a recent article in the Yiddish Forward (September 16 - 22) regarding the Palestinian Authority's request for membership to the UN Security Council, the word "Shantazh" was mentioned a number of times (always with quotation marks).   I could not find this word in either Uriel Weinreich's or Harkavy's dictionary.


The writer also used the expression "dreyt dem spodik." Again, neither Weinreich or Harkavy   contain the word "spodik"


If any Mendele members could enlighten me, I would greatly appreciate it.

Marvin Friedman



Date:September 12, 2011

Subject: Yiddish absent from "The Great Courses"


The well known project called "The Great Courses" has produced dozens of courses covering a wide range of subjects including several about Jewish subjects.

I have in hand a catalogue in which there is a series of lectures entitled "Introduction to Judaism". It consists of twenty four half-hour lectures covering many aspects of Judaism, but nowhere do I see any mention of Yiddish, Yiddish literature or Yiddishkeit. So my question is: are not these also part of Judaism? If not, what

shall they be called?


Morrie Feller



Date:September 11, 2011

Subject: Additional queries about heirs/estates of Yiddish writers


As managing editor of the Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, the ten-volume series being published by Yale University Press, I am trying to establish who holds the copyright for a number of Yiddish works from the interwar period. It would be great if we could all post this information to a central file! The writers whose heirs or

rights we are seeking, so that we can translate works, include the following:


Berlin, Meir


Horonczyk, Shimon


Kacyzne, Alter


Kaganovskii, Efraim


Korn, Rokhl


Liberman, Hayim


Nomberg, Hersh Dovid


Opatoshu, Joseph


Pinski, David


Rabon, Yisroel


Rozental, Anna


Shneour, Zalman


Varshavskii, Oyzer


Wasserman, Elhanan


Zeitlin, Aharon


Zeitlin, Elchonon



I thank you for any leads you might have.




Joyce Rappaport

rappapor at videotron.ca  <mailto:rappapor at videotron.ca>



Date:September 11, 2011

Subject:   "kick" oyf yidish?


A kope****oder *a drige**


Rukhl Shaechter



Date:September 11, 2011  

Subject: "kick" oyf yidish


The two words that I know of are "shtoys" and "kop." As a kid we knew a joke based on the latter: A rich, but ignorant, man seeking a talmid khokhem as a potential son-in-law has a candidate tested by the local melamed. In his presence, the young man and teacher are seated at the table with a gomore opened in front of the candidate, who happens to be no scholar. In fact the whole process bores him. So he aims a good swift kick at the melamed's shin who cries out "oy, iz dos a kop." The potential father is impressed by what he thinks is a complementary remark about the young man's brilliance and he offers him a large nodn.


Sylvan Beer



Date:September 12, 2011

Subject: "kick" oyf yidish


In reply to Les Train: my Harduf dictionary gives "kopen" (kof, alef, peh, ayen, final nun) for the verb "kick." However, another anglicized source gave me "briken."


Philip (Fishl) Muzlish


End of Mendele Vol. 21.006


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