[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements--Yiddish Summer Course in Strasbourg

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Sun Nov 25 10:53:05 EST 2012

Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements

November 25, 2012

To minimize wear and tear on the untershames, three requests:

 1. Send time-sensitive notices well in advance.

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From: Rafael Goldwaser goldwaserrafael at neuf.fr


 The Yiddish Summer course will take place from 22 July until  2
August (= 2 weeks).

We’ll study every morning in Yiddish classes at 3 levels : beginners,
advanced, and Yiddish literature.

The first 2 levels will be taught by Annick Prime and Sharon
Bar-Kokhva, who are teachers in La Maison du Yidish in Paris.

The 3d level we’ll be taught by  Karolina Zsymanyak from Warsaw (Poland).

In the afternoons we’ll have 3 workshops: Yiddish Song, Klezmer-dance,
and “Nigunim”.

In the evenings we’ll show documentaries, one or two films, or have
concerts, lectures, etc. We offer two excursions, one in Strasbourg by
boat, and the other with bus in Jewish Alsace with a guide.

The price is 450 euro, and 300 euro for students.

We give grants to young students coming from the Eastern European countries.

You have the possibility to stay in the Centre Européen de la
Jeunesse, which can be very practical, since you can get meals there.
The prices are relatively low. and you’re not going to find anything
cheaper in Strasbourg during the summer.

Yidish informatsyes:

Undzer kumendiker yidish zumer-kurs vet forkumen fun dem 22stn Yuli,
bizn 2tn Oygust. (= 2 vokhn).

Mir veln zikh lernen in der fri in 3 madreyges: Onheybers, avansirte,
un yidishe literature inem dritn un , nivo (oyf yidish).

In di tsvey ershte madreyges veln lernen Annick Prime un Sharon
Bar-Kokhva, lererkes in der parizer La Maison du Yidish.

In der driter madreyge vet lernene Dr. Karolina Szymanyak fun Varshe.

In di nokh-mitogn veln mir hobn 3 miney varshtatn: Yidishe lider mit
Astrid Ruff, Klezmer-tents mit Khayele Domergue, un “Nigunim” mit
Valérie Tominez.

In di ovntn veln mir vayzn dokumentarn, eyns oder tsvey filmen,
kontsertn, konferentsn, un azoy vayter. Mir leygn oykh for tsvey
ekskursyes, eyne in Shtrasburg gufe oyf a shifele, un di tsveyte mit
an oytobus in yidishn Elzes, mit a veg-vayzer.

Der prayz iz fun 450 eyros, un 300 far studentn.

Mir veln hobn stipendyes far yunge studentn fun di Mizrekh lender.

Ir hot di meglekhkeyt ayntsushteyn inem Eyropeyshn Yugnt Tsenter, vos
ken zayn zeyer praktish vayl m’kon oykh bakumen dortn moltsaytn. Di
prayzn zenen relativ zeyer bilige, un ir vet nisht gefinen beser in
Shtrasburg in der zumer tsayt.


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    victor.bers at yale.edu (IMPORTANT! in the subject line write

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      mendele at mailman.yale.edu

 IMPORTANT:  Please include your full name as you would like it to
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