[Mendele] Mendele Vol. 23.007

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Mon Aug 26 06:36:45 EDT 2013

Mendele: Yiddish literature and language

Contents of Vol. 23.007
August 24, 2013

1) "Di goldene keyt" (Alberto Rozenfarb)
2) Zhitlovski quote: "sintetisher magizm" (Dovid Braun)
3) khay gelebt (Eve Perkal)
4) kiem and kiyyum (Hershl Hartman)
5) Nikolai Kaufman (Jeremy Borouchoff)
6) Peretz story about bass viol sought (Jeanette Lewicki)
7) ikh hob zey ale in bod/"Sheyn vi di levone" (Motty Ilowitz)
8) "Sheyn vi di levone" (Michael Ochs)
9) "Sheyn vi di levone" (Perla Sneh)
10) "Sheyn vi di levone" (Alan Shuchat)

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Date: July 28
Subject: "Di goldene keyt"

Tayerer Mendele,

Kenst mir helfn? Ikh vil visn oyb men ken bakumen di Perets mayse "Di
goldene keyt" in
yidish? Zayt mir visn kin velkhn "site" ikh ken bakuman a kopie.

Zayt hartsik gezunt,
Alberto (Alter) Rozenfarb

Date: August 3
Subject: Zhitlovski quote: "sintetisher magizm"

Gloria Donen Sosin (in Mendele Vol. 23.006 July 19, 2013) asks about a term
in the title
of a Zhitlovski lecture.  My guess is the word is _magizm_ "(adherence to
philosophical doctrine of) magic."

Dovid Braun

Date: July 28
Subject: khay gelebt

How would you translate the idiomatic expression of "Khay gelebt!"
I found this as the title of an etching of a dancing Chasid.

Eve Perkal

Date: July 28
Subject: kiem and kiyyum

I'm afraid the moderator's note on this matter is misleading, or worse.
Both words are
Hebrew. "kiem" is the Ashkenazic pronunciation, adopted into Yiddish.
"kiyyum" is the
Sefardic/Israeli pronunciation.  (It's potato/patato all over again, except
that it feeds the
common  concept of the "difference" between "truly Jewish" and "that

Hershl Hartman

Date: July 28
Subject: Nikolai Kaufman

I am looking for any information, histories, biographies and especially
arrangements of
Yiddish songs by Nikolai Kaufman - a Bulgarian composer who arranged and
thousands of songs in Yiddish, Hebrew and Bulgarian.

If you have such information please respond to the list or email me directly
at:  jbaruch at wi.rr.com

Thank you,

Jeremy Borouchoff

Date: August 9
Subject: Peretz story about bass viol sought

Hi Mendele,

I am seeking the full Yiddish text of the Peretz story about the bass viol.
And does
anybody know of a good translation viewable online? It's not in the Eli
Katz translation.

Many thanks,
Jeanette Lewicki

Date: July 27
Subject: ikh hob zey ale in bod/"Sheyn vi di levone"

1)Ikh hob zey ale in bod.

It like saying "Ikh hob zey in der erd." It means, I don't care what they
are saying or
thinking, I don't give a damn about them...

2) "Sheyn vi di levone"

Sheyn vi di levone,
Likhtik vi di shtern,
Fun himl a matone,
Bistu mir tsugeshikt!
vayl/mayn glik hob ikh gevunen,
Ven ikh hob dikh gefunen,
Sheyn vi toyznt zunen
hostu/hot mayn harts baglikt.

Dayne tseyndelekh,
vays vi perelekh,
Mit dayne sheyne oygn,
Dayne heyndelekh, dayne herelekh,
Hot mikh tsugetsoygn.

Der moykh is mir tsumisht,
Ikh gey arum tsukhisht,
Khveys aleyn nit vos ikh vil,
Ikh shem zikh, ikh bin royt.
Di tsung is bay mir toyt,
Ikh ken nit zogn, vos ikh vil,
Du bist arayn tsu mir,
In hartsn oyf kvartir.
Khtrakht vi tsu zogn dir,
Az du bist...

Sheyn vi di levone,
Likhtik vi di shtern,
Fun himl a matone,
Bistu mir tsugeshikt!
vayl/mayn glik hob ikh gevunen,
Ven ikh hob dikh gefunen,
Sheyn vi toyznt zunen
hostu/hot mayn harts baglikt.

Motty Ilowitz

Date: July 28
Subject: Sheyn vi di levone

The words to "Sheyn vi di levone" may be found at

Michael Ochs

Date: July 29
Subject: "Sheyn vi di levone"

Regarding Sara Wolch-Zuckerbrot's request, here is the song as I used to
hear at home in
my childhood.

Sheyn vi di levone,
Un likhtik vi di shtern,
Fun himl a matone,
Bistu mir tsugeshikt!
Dayne tseyndlekh, vays vi perelekh,
Dayne zise, zise oygn,
Dayne kheyndelekh, dayne herelekh,
Oy, hostu mikh tsugetsoygn!

Beautiful as the moon
Bright as the stars
>From heaven as a gift
you were sent to me!
Your little teeth, white as little pearls
Your sweet, sweet eyes
Your gracefulness, your hair
Oh, you have captured me!

Perla Sneh

Date: July 28
Subject: "Sheyn vi di levone"

You can find the lyrics for Sheyn vi di Levone on the web. Some variants =
in English and Yiddish are at zemerl.com:


Alan Shuchat
End of Mendele Vol. 23.007

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