[Mendele] Mendele Personal Announcements: Three important events in New York
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Fri Jan 31 08:47:02 EST 2014
From: Itzik Gottesman <itzikgottesman at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 11:52 AM
The Sholem-Aleichem Cultural Center - Bronx
3301 Bainbridge Avenue BX corner 208th st. one block from Montefiore
Hospital. 917-930-0295
invites you to our next lecture in Yiddish
Prof. Elissa Bemporad, Queens College
winner of the National Jewish Book Award 2013
*Becoming Soviet Jews:*
* The Bolshevik Experiment in Minsk*
*Sunday Feb. 2, 2014 1:30 PM*
*In the musical program: Yiddish songs by Inna Barmash*
*Sunday Feb 9 1:30 PM* at the Sholem Aleichem Cultural Center
3301 Bainbridge Avenue, BX
*Shloyshim for Charne Schaechter z'l. * With Prof. Tevye Bird, Itzik
Gottesman, Gilt Schaechter-Viswanath, Binyumen Schaechter, Reyna
Schaechter, Temma Schaechter. Free Admission 917-930-0295
*Sunday Feb 23* *1:00 PM* at the Bowery Poetry Club, 308 Bowery NYC
*Celebration of the life and work of poets Yonia Fain z"l and Beyle
Schaechter-Gottesman z'l*. Sponsored by the Congress for Jewish Culture.
Film, song and recitation. With: Shane Baker, Hy Wolfe, Amanda
Miriam-Khaye Seigel, Leah Robinson, Charles Nydorf, Yoel Matveyeev, Itzik
Gottesman, Leah Lipsky, Albert Rosenblatt, Paula Teitelbam, Nahma Sandrow,
David Braun Admission: $10.
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