[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements--The International Association of Yiddish Clubs (IAYC) 16th conference in November 14 - 17
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Fri Jun 27 15:59:27 EDT 2014
Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements
June 27, 2014
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*From: Rochelle Zucker <rochellezucker at gmail.com
<rochellezucker at gmail.com>>*Date: June 25, 2014
Sholem Aleykhem Tayere Frandt,
The International Association of Yiddish Clubs (IAYC) will hold its 16th
conference in November 14 - 17 2014 in Boca Raton, Florida at the Boca
Raton Marriott Hotel Town Center.
The theme of this year's conference is "Yidishe Heldn" - Yiddish Heroes. We
will be honoring Troim Katz Bliacher Handler with a Lifetime Achievement
The organizers of the conference have been working hard at engaging
speakers and entertainers and taking care of other details to make the
conference a success.
Our plenary speakers are always a highlight of the conference. This year we
are delighted to welcome the following scholars:
Sarah Bunin Benor, Hasia Diner, Gennady Estraikh, Mikhail Krutikov and
Maxine Schackman.
Our conference attendees always delight in our high class entertainment.
This year we are proud to present:
Cookie Blattman, Alejandra Czarny, Joathan Geffner, Naomi Miller, Jane
Peppler, Shira and David Presler and Yale Strom and Elizabeth Schwartz.
We will have daily morning and afternoon hour-long breakout sessions on
varied and fascinating topics. These will be lectures, discussions, or
workshops. They will be in Yiddish, English, or a mixture. Our presenters
will be Dror Abend-David, Claire Rolnik Aloof, Refoyl Finkel, Riva
Ginsburg, Etta Gold, Ruth Glasberg Gold, Karen Goodman, Ruth Fisher
Goodman, Frank (Fayvl) Handler, Marlis Humphrey, Genia Kutner, Abraham
Luski, Dorothy (Dvoyre) Marden, Naomi Miller, Caren Schnur Neile, Roberta
Newman, Jane Peppler, David Presler, Hilda RubinFriday afternoon, Eddie
Shraybman, Elizabeth Schwartz, Yale Strom, Harold Ticktin, Iosif Vaisman,
Leon Weissberg, Rochelle (Rekhl) Zucker, Barney Zumoff.
Our Tribute Book lets you sponsor a talk or place a tribute to honor your
favorite hero, whether a public figure, a writer, or your
Registration for the conference is open! The cost is $330 ($350 after July
31, 2014). Registration covers all meals from dinner Friday through lunch
Monday. There are also other registration options
For more information about the conference and the presenters and
entertainers, and for registration and sponsorship forms please go the our
We can be reached by email: iayc2014 at gmail.com
Mit vareme grusn
Rochelle Zucker
(Conference Committee member)
Conference committee: Barbara Goldstein, Dorothy (Dvoyre) Marden, Annalee
Odessky, Rochelle (Rekhl) Zucker. Local committee: Genia Kutner, Susan Ganc.
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Responses to Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements should be sent
directly to the person whom or organization which posted the item.
Material for posting in Mendele Personal Notices and announcements,
typically announcements of events, commercial publications, and
questions not of general interest to the membership, should be sent
victor.bers at yale.edu (IMPORTANT! in the
subject line write "Mendele Personal")
Material for postings to Mendele Yiddish literature and language i.e,
inquiries and comments of a non-commercial or publicity nature and
likely to interest the membership in general, should be sent to
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