Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Wed Jul 13 20:32:15 EDT 2016

DATE:July 13, 2016

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From: Steve Lasky <steve725 at optonline.net>
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2016 13:44:36 -0400
Subject: Upcoming online exhibition: "The Celia Adler Story"

The virtual (Internet-only) Museum of the Yiddish Theatre proudly announces
the upcoming opening of its first major online exhibition, "The Celia Adler
Story." Officially, it will be going online Friday, July 1, 2016.

Celia Adler, the daughter of the famed Yiddish actor, Jacob P. Adler and
Yiddish actress Dina Shtetin, was quite famous in her own right. From her
early days on the Yiddish stage-the first an impromptu appearance as a
baby-to her many appearances on the Yiddish stage and subsequent appearance
on the American (English) stage, Celia had quite an illustrious career, as
well as a very interesting personal life.

With the cooperation of her son, Dr. Selwyn Freed, and his family, as well
as with the American Jewish Committee, the Museum of the Yiddish Theatre
will present to you this multi-faced, multimedia exhibition.
The exhibition will include, for the first time, the publication of her
two-volume autobiography in English (previously it had only been published
in hard cover, in 1959), which was translated by Celia's dear friend, Jacob
Tickman, and subsequently edited by this Museum's founder and director, Dr.
Steven Lasky. Links will be provided to the online Yiddish-language version.

You will also hear excerpts of a 1974 interview conducted with Celia by the
American Jewish Committee, in which she shares anecdotes of her life on the
Yiddish stage, and in her own personal life.
Celia Adler also gave a talk to a senior center in 1975 about the history of
Yiddish theatre, and this will be available to you for your listening
pleasure as part of the Museum's Lecture Series.

You will be in for a treat as you listen to Celia's recitation, in both
Yiddish and English, of a Mani Leib poem about Eliahu Hanavi ("The
Stranger"), which she recited during one of her own family seders, late in
her life.

Lastly, you will listen to excerpts from multiple interviews conducted with
her son, Dr. Selwyn Freed, about his mother and father's life (Celia was
once married to Yiddish actor Lazar Freed), as well as the life of the famed
Yiddish actor, Ludwig Satz (who was Celia's brother-in-law.) These sound
clips will be presented to you in the form of a video, and will be changed
at various points along the duration of the online exhibition, which will
remain online for at least three months.

So there will be a lot to read, see and hear. So many stories, such a great
insight into the long history of the Yiddish theatre, from the lips of our
dear Celia Adler, quite a marvelous actress and dear person as well. You
will hear about her father, mother, siblings, and so many of the great (and
not-so-great) stars of the Yiddish theatre of yore. There aren't too many
opportunities to hear and learn so much about the history of the Yiddish
theatre, especially online and in such an easy way, so don't forget to take
advantage of this rare opportunity!

This online exhibition (as well as the Internet-only) Museum itself is
completely unfunded and has been developed out of a sense of devotion to the
preservation of Jewish history and culture. The Museum is a "sub-division"
of the much larger "Museum of Family History," which was created in 2005,
with the expressed purpose of preserving the memory of our Jewish families
and history for the present and future generations. Of course, funding is
sought in order to expand the Museums' work, but this is for another time.

So please look out for the announcement of the Celia Adler exhibition toward
the end of the month. You will find the link to the exhibition on its main
page at www.museumoffamilyhistory.com/moyt/main.htm .

Dr. Steven Lasky
Founder and Director
Museum of Family History
Museum of the Yiddish Theatre
steve at museumoffamilyhistory.com

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