[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements--Corrected Announcement for *The Wind in the Willows* af idish
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Thu Aug 1 13:35:38 EDT 2019
Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements
Date: August 1, 2019
To minimize wear and tear on the untershames, three requests:
1. Send time-sensitive notices well in advance.
2. Send material as plain text to victor.bers at yale.edu as plain text (no
HTML, other coding, or attachments) and write MENDELE PERSONALS in the
subject line.
3. Correspond directly with the person who or organization which has posted
the notice, *not* with your ever-beleaguered untershames.
The untershames inadvertently omitted the relevant websites for Barry
Goldstein's translation of *The Wind in the Willows,* viz.,
http://www.amazon.com/dp/0998049727 for "The Wind..."
and for the translator's website
Here appended is the original announcement:
The first time in Yiddish!
The Wind in the Willows
Der Vint in di Verbes
Kenneth Grahame
Illustrations by
Arthur Rackham
Ratty, Mole, Badger, Toad
“…, there is nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as
simply messing about in boats. Simply messing,” he went on dreamily:
“messing – about – in – boats; messing –”
The Full Story
Translated by
Barry Goldstein
More at the translator’s web-page:
The Hobbit / Der Hobit
The Lord of the Rings / Der Har fun di Fingerlekh
Shackleton’s Endurance / Oyshalt in the Antarctic
“The Winter Journey” / “Di Vinter Nesie”
The Pickwick Papers / Di Pikvik Papirn
The Color of Magic / Der Kolir fun Kishef
Dos ershte mol oyf Yidish!
Der Vint in di Verbes
Kenneth Grahame
Gemeln fun
Arthur Rackham
Shtshurl, Krot, Taks, Broske
“… es iz nito gornisht – legamre gornisht – a helft azoy keday tsu ton vi
poshet poren zikh mit shiflekh. Poshet poren zikh,” iz er vayter gegangen
vi in a kholem: “poren – zikh – mit -- shiflekh; poren zikh –"
Di gantse mayse
Ibergezetst fun
Berish Goldshteyn
Noch mer oyfn iberzetsters vebzaytl:
The Hobbit / Der Hobit
The Lord of the Rings / Der Har fun di Fingerlekh
Shacklton’s Endurance / Oyshalt inem Antarktik
“The Winter Journey” / “Di Vinter Nesie”
The Pickwick Papers / Di Pikvik Papirn
The Color of Magic / Der Kolir fun Kishef
דאָס ערשטע מאָל אױף ייִדיש!
דער װינט אין די װערבעס
קענעט גראַהאַם
געמעלן פֿון
אַרטור ראַקהאַם
שטשורל, קראָט, טאַקס, בראָסקע
"... עס איז ניטאָ גאָרנישט – לגמרי גאָרנישט – אַ העלפֿט אַזױ כּדאַי צו טאָן
װי פּשוט פּאָרען זיך מיט שיפֿלעך. פּשוט פּאָרען זיך," איז ער װײַטער
געגאַנגען װי אין אַ חלום׃ "פּאָרען – זיך – מיט – שיפֿלעך; פּאָרען זיך –"
די גאַנצע מעשׂה
איבערגעזעצט פֿון
בעריש גאָלדשטײן
נאָך מער אױפֿן איבערזעצערס װעבזײַטל׃
/ The Hobbitדער האָביט
The Lord of the Rings / דער האַר פֿון די פֿינגערלעכט
Shacklton’s Endurance / אױסהאַלט אינעם אַנטאַרקטיק
“The Winter Journey” / "די װינטער נסיעה"
The Pickwick Papers / די פּיקװיק פּאַפּירן
The Color of Magic / דער קאָליר פֿון כּישוף
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victor.bers at yale.edu
IMPORTANT: Subject of message should read "Mendele personals". Please
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In order to spare the shamosim time and effort, we request that
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