[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements--Seeking heirs of Menakhem Borayshe (Menahem Boraisha)
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Thu Aug 1 14:37:34 EDT 2019
Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements
Date: Aug. 1, 2019
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From: Jon Levitow <jnlvtw at comcast.net>
Date: Jul 31, 2019, 7:20 PM (19 hours ago)
Tsi veyst emetser oyb es blaybn yorshim tsu vemen es gehert dos rekht af di
verk funem poet, Menakhem Borayshe (Menahem Boraisha)? Ikh hob a shtarkn
interes in iberzetsn zayne verk af English, un Ikh veys af zikher nor az
zayn eynikl, Ada, iz nifter gevorn in 2005 (un zayn almone Sore shoyn
frier). A groysn dank in faroys, Yankl Levitow
Does anyone know if there are heirs in possession of the rights to the work
of Menakhem Borayshe (Menahem Boraishe)? I have a strong interest in
translating some of the poet's work, and I know for sure only that his
granddaughter Ada passed away in 2005 (and his widow Sore before that).
Thank you in advance, Yankl Levitow
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