[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements--Gilles Rozier on the Yiddish Voice, July 24

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Tue Jul 23 20:31:09 EDT 2019

July 23, 2019
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Gilles Rozier from Paris Medem Yiddish Scene on the Yiddish Voice, Weds
July 24

The Yiddish Voice concludes its series of interviews with Yiddish activists
at the Paris Yiddish Center-Medem Library with an interview with Gilles
Rozier, to air in Boston on WUNR 1600-AM on Wednesday July 24 2019 at 7:30
PM and live-streamed via yv.org.

Gilles Rozier was born in France in 1963.  He began to learn Yiddish in
1987.  From 1994 until 2014 he served as Director of the Paris
Yiddish-Center/Medem Library.  He wrote his Doctoral Dissertation about the
Yiddish writer Moyshe Broderzon. He is also a translator from Yiddish,
Hebrew, English, and French.  In 2016, he and Anne-Sophe Dreyfus created
"Les Editions de l’Antilope", a French-language publisher devoted to Jewish
literature, which has now published 20 books, either in translation from
Yiddish, Hebrew, English, and Polish, or originally written in French.

Other interviewees in this series on the Paris Medem Yiddish Scene have
been: Ri J. (Reyze) Turner, whose interview was aired on June 12, 2019, and
Yitskhok Niborski, whose interview was aired on June 26, 2019.

The interviews are conducted by Sholem Beinfeld, He is Professor Emeritus
of History at Washington University in St. Louis, and is perhaps best known
as Co-Editor-in-Chief of the "Comprehensive Yiddish-English Dictionary"
("Arumnemik Yidish-English Verterbukh"), as well as a translator of Yiddish
texts and creator of new subtitles for classic Yiddish movies. The
Dictionary is based on the "Yiddish-French Dictionary" edited by Yitskhok
Niborski and published by the Medem Library/Paris Yiddish Center. Sholem's
connection with the Medem Library goes back many decades, beginning with
his Fulbright Fellowship in Paris as a graduate student.

The Yiddish Voice (Dos Yidishe Kol / דאָס ייִדישע קול), Boston's weekly
Yiddish-language radio show, is heard in the Boston area every Wednesday on
WUNR 1600 AM from 7:30 to 8:30 PM (Eastern) and live-streamed on the
Internet at www.yiddishvoice.com, and via Apple Podcasts at the following

For more information visit www.yiddishvoice.com, email radio at yv.org
Follow @TheYiddishVoice on Twitter, or call 617-730-8484.
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