[nativestudies-l] 4/12: Cornell's 9th Annual Powwow and Smokedance

Alyssa Mt. Pleasant alyssa.mt.pleasant at yale.edu
Tue Apr 1 09:42:36 EDT 2008

Hello AIP Associates and Friends,

This years Powwow Committee would like to invite you to this years Powwow and Smokedance! It will take place in Barton Hall on Saturday, April 12th. The attached poster details Head Staff and dance prizes, along with information on the Iroquois Social that preceeds the Powwow. 

Please feel free to forward this information as you see fit!

Also, if you would like to volunteer, or know people who do, for the day of the Powwow, please send an e-mail to Alexis Rivera at ar498 at cornell.edu. 

Thank you, and we hope to see you all there!

-Fred Gonzales
Powwow Committee Chair
Cornell University 
College of Human Ecology 
Human Biology, Health and Society '10
Akwe:kon Community Assistant

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