[nativestudies-l] Fw: Doreen Martinez on the First Wave of Globalization (4.9.2008)

Ruth Garby Torres schaghticoke at sbcglobal.net
Tue Apr 1 10:35:31 EDT 2008

"The First Wave of Globalization:
Impact of European Contact on Indigenous Communities in North America"


Wednesday, April 9

Engleman C 020

5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.


With Doreen Martinez

light refreshments served


Fourth of five children and a first-generation college student, Doreen Martinez (Mescalero, Apache; Indigenous Mexican; Dutch) holds a PhD in Sociology from Syracuse University.  Currently Assistant Professor and Director of Women and Gender Studies at Northern Arizona University, she has recently accepted an Assistant Professor position at the University of Colorado – Boulder in the Ethnic Studies department specializing in American Indian Studies.


Her scholarship examines race, gender and science with a focus on Indigenous cultures.  She has completed research with Indigenous populations in the U.S., Canada, and Africa.  Her book, tentatively titled Our Responsibility to Medicine: Indigenous Women’s Understanding and Doing of Medicine, is being considered by the University of Arizona Press.  

This talk is part of the 64 Days of Nonviolence.  For further information, please contact Women's Studies Program, at 203-392-6133.

Yi-Chun Tricia Lin 
Director/Associate Professor, Women's Studies Program
Vice President, National Women's Studies Association
Past President, Women's Caucus for the Modern Languages
Southern Connecticut State University
E-mail: liny4 at southernct.edu
Office: (203) 392-6133; (203) 392-6864 
Fax:    (203) 392-6723 
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