[nativestudies-l] CFP: 2009 Native American and Indigenous Studies Conference, Univ. of Minnesota

Alyssa Mt. Pleasant alyssa.mt.pleasant at yale.edu
Wed Apr 16 23:51:34 EDT 2008

_*Call for Papers and First Announcement*_

* *

*2009 Native American and Indigenous Studies Conference*

*May 21-23, 2009***

*University** of **Minnesota** -- Twin Cities*

*/Proposal Deadline: /**/December 1, 2008/**//*


The American Indian Studies Department at the University of Minnesota is 
hosting an interdisciplinary meeting of Native American and Indigenous 
Studies.  The steering committee is inviting proposals from scholars 
around the globe for submissions of individual papers, panel session 
proposals, or roundtables on any topic in Native American and Indigenous 
Studies. All persons working in the field are invited and encouraged to 
submit proposals.  Only complete proposals will receive full 
consideration.  The limit on proposals is two proposed appearances on 
the program in any capacity.


*Submission of a Proposal*

Proposals are to be submitted electronically by December 1, 2008, at 
amin.umn.edu/NAIS2009 Proposals will not be accepted after this date.


   1. Use the electronic template to prepare a 250 word abstract in
   2. Follow the instructions and submit your proposal online.
   3. Choose an individual paper, a panel, or a roundtable proposal.

-          Individual paper must contain a presenter name, title, 
affiliation, brief précis and abstract of no more than 250 words.   

-          Panel proposals must contain a title of the panel, presenter 
names and affiliations, titles of individual presentations, and a brief 
précis for all individual presentations; a person designed as chair, and 
an abstract of no more than 250 words for the panel as a whole.

-          Roundtable proposals must include the same information as a 
panel presentation, except the individual presentation titles. 

   4. You will receive an email confirmation after submitting your
   5. Proposals will be reviewed by the review committee. All presenters
      will be notified by late January 2009. Presenters are required to
      register and attend the conference.


*For More Information*

Heather Dorr

College of Continuing Education

cceconf3 at umn.edu <mailto:cceconf3 at umn.edu>


Please continue to check the conference website for program and location 
details at amin.umn.edu/NAIS2009


*Important Dates*

December 1, 2008         Deadline for paper proposal submissions

Late January 2009         Presenters notified of acceptance

                                    Online registration open

February 23, 2009          Deadline Early registration rate and deadline 
for presenters to be included in final program


*Steering Committee:*


Ines Hernandez-Avila (University of California-Davis)                
ighernandez at ucdavis.edu

J. Kehaulani Kauanui (Wesleyan University)                               
jkauanui at wesleyan.edu

K. Tsianina Lomawaima (University of Arizona)                         
lomawaim at email.arizona.edu

Jean O'Brien (University of Minnesota)                         
             obrie002 at tc.umn.edu

Robert Warrior (University of Oklahoma)                                  
warrior at ou.edu

Jace Weaver (University of Georgia)                              
           jweaver at uga.edu

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