[nativestudies-l] American Indian Language Development Institute 2008

Shelly Lowe shelly.lowe at yale.edu
Wed Apr 16 19:43:40 EDT 2008

>>Announcing the 29th Annual American Indian Language Development Institute
>>June 4 - July 2, 2008
>>University of Arizona
>>Creating Spaces for Indigenous Languages in Everyday Life
>>The University of Arizona and Department of Language, Reading &
>>Culture invite you to the 29th American Indian Language Development
>>Institute (AILDI). AILDI 2008 will have a special focus on Native
>>teachers in the classroom and language. Special topics will include
>>NCLB & Native students, language immersion methods in the
>>classroom, Native children's literature & writing and schooling in
>>Native American communities. Our theme, Creating Spaces for
>>Indigenous Languages in Everyday Life reflects this emphasis and
>>will be highlighted with guest speakers, presentations, activities,
>>projects, and fieldtrips.
>>AILDI provides a unique educational experience for teachers of
>>Native children. The AILDI format offers Native and non-Native
>>teachers the opportunity to become researchers, practitioners,
>>bilingual/bicultural curriculum specialists, and especially
>>effective language teachers. The common concern of language loss,
>>revitalization and maintenance brings educators, parents, tribal
>>leaders and community members to this university setting to study
>>methods for teaching Native languages and cultures and to develop
>>AILDI offers six graduate credits or undergraduate credit hours
>>during four weeks of intensive study. Courses can be applied toward
>>regular degree programs and teacher endorsements.
>>Please visit our website at
>>for more information.
>>Candace K. Galla
>>Ph.D Student, LRC
>>Graduate Assistant
>>American Indian Language Development Institute
>>Department of Language, Reading & Culture
>>College of Education, Room 517
>>P.O. Box 210069
>>Tucson, AZ 85721-0069
>>(520) 621-1068, Fax (520)621-8174
>><mailto:candaceg at email.arizona.edu>candaceg at email.arizona.edu
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