[nativestudies-l] April 29: free screening of "The Linguists"

lisa.conathan at yale.edu lisa.conathan at yale.edu
Thu Apr 17 16:04:26 EDT 2008

The Linguists
April 29th 6:00 pm
Whitney Humanities Center Auditorium
53 Wall Street, New Haven, CT

Followed by a discussion with David Harrison,linguist featured in the film.

Half of the world?s languages are on the verge of extinction. Who will record
them before they are gone?

David Harrison and Greg Anderson are scientists consumed with documenting
endangered languages. In Siberia, India, and Bolivia, The linguists confront 
head-on the very forces silencing languages: institutionalized racism and
violent economic unrest. Their journey takes them deep into the heart of the 
cultures, knowledge, and communities at stake.

To view a trailer of the film, visit www.thelinguists.com

Co-sponsored by the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library and the Department
of Linguistics, Yale University.

Free and open to the public; for more information contact Lisa Conathan at
lisa.conathan at yale.edu.

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