[nativestudies-l] ANN: Graduate Student Travel Award, Western History Association
Alyssa Mt. Pleasant
alyssa.mt.pleasant at yale.edu
Fri Apr 18 08:29:01 EDT 2008
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Graduate Student Travel Award, Western History Association
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 16:54:59 -0400
From: Laurie Arnold <larnold at nd.edu>
To: <larnold at nd.edu>
Good afternoon out there,
I am on the WHA committee for the Trennert-Iverson Scholarship, which
supports graduate student travel to the conference, and I hope you can
help us with a little promotion. I think the deadline, July 31, gets
lost for a lot of people during the summer, so we are getting the word
out early.
I know many of you work with talented graduate students, and we're
hoping for another strong pool this year.
So please pass this on to folks who will be interested, and thanks for
your help!
The Western History Association is now accepting applications for the
2008 Trennert-Iverson Graduate Student Travel Scholarship.
The $500 award is designed to defray the costs of attending the annual
Western History Association meeting, held this year in Salt Lake City
from October 22^nd through October 25^th .
The award also includes conference registration, and tickets to the
opening reception, the graduate student reception, and the Presidential
luncheon, where the official award will be presented.
To apply, graduate students must submit a letter of interest, a vita,
and a recommendation letter from a faculty advisor no later than July
31, 2008. Please see the link below for committee mailing addresses and
contact information.
The proposals will be reviewed competitively by the award committee,
with preference given to graduate students presenting at the conference.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Thank you,
Laurie Arnold
larnold at nd.edu <mailto:larnold at nd.edu>
Laurie Arnold, PhD
Assistant Director
Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts
University of Notre Dame
101 O'Shaughnessy Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556
574.631.4264 (p)
574.631.4295 (f)
larnold at nd.edu
Alyssa Mt. Pleasant, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
American Studies Program
Yale University
P.O. Box 208236
New Haven, CT 06520-8236
Department of History
Yale University
P.O. Box 208324
New Haven, CT 06520-8324
alyssa.mt.pleasant at yale.edu <mailto:alyssa.mt.pleasant at yale.edu>
*/Neka ne ne hera teh/*
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