[nativestudies-l] Tuesday on "Indigenous Politics" - 12th episode for Season Three

jkauanui at wesleyan.edu jkauanui at wesleyan.edu
Mon Apr 21 21:04:46 EDT 2008

Indigenous Politics: From Native New England and Beyond
Tuesdays 4-5pm EDT/1-2pm PST/10-11am HST
88.1 fm, Middletown, CT
Listen online LIVE: www.wesufm.org

On Tuesday, April 22nd, join your host Dr. J. Kehaulani Kauanui, for an
episode examining Chamorro self-Determination in the US colony Guam and
throughout the Chamorro diaspora.  Guam is an island that is part of the
chain of the Mariana Islands in the Western Pacific Ocean.  It is an
organized unincorporated territory of the United States-one of five US
colonial territories with established civilian government. Guam is listed
on the UN list of non-self-governing territories; the island and her
people are still eligible to decolonize from the USA under international
law.  This episode will include interviews with three different Chamorro
activists: Julian Aguon from Honolulu, Hawai`i, Michael Lujan Bevacqua in
San Diego,
CA, and Sabina Flores Perez from the San Francisco, CA.  Julian Aguon
is a writer, human rights activist and speaker throughout the Asia and the
Pacific region. He is the author of Just Left of the Setting Sun (2005),
The Fire This Time: Essays on Life Under US Occupation (2006), and the
just-released What We Bury At Night: Disposable Humanity (2008). He is
currently a law student at the University of Hawaii-Manoa and a fellow
with the East West Center. Michael Lujan Bevacqua is PhD student in Ethnic
Studies at the University of California, San Diego, the editor of the
Chamorro zine, Minag�het, and a co-founder of the Chamorro activist
organization, Famoksaiyan.  Sabina Flores Perez is a cultural activist in
Guam and in the Bay Area.  She is another key organizer of Famoksaiyan who
has helped organize several the trips of several Chamorro delegations to
testify before the United Nations in New York.
Seasons One & Two now archived online and ready for podcasting:

"Indigenous Politics" is now syndicated weekly on Pacifica-affiliate station
105.3 FM--WETX-LP, "The independent voice of Appalachia" each Thursday
at 8pm (EDT). Listen online at: http://aaronsnet.com/s/detour/

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