[nativestudies-l] 4/29: David Weber lecture on US-Mexico Border, Beinecke Library

Alyssa Mt. Pleasant alyssa.mt.pleasant at yale.edu
Tue Apr 22 07:44:53 EDT 2008

Please join us next Tuesday morning for the 2008 Frederick W. Beinecke 
Senior Fellow lecture

*The Risky Business of Editing Historical Documents:
Letters from the U.S.-Mexico Boundary Survey, 1849-1854

**David Weber
*Beinecke Senior Fellow in Western Americana
*Tuesday, April 29
*in rooms 38 and 39 downstairs in the Beinecke Library
121 Wall Street

David Weber, 2007-08 Frederick W. and Carrie S. Beinecke Senior Fellow 
at the Beinecke Library, will talk about the project he is completing 
this year, a book to be called: _Fiasco: George Clinton Gardner?s 
Letters from the U.S.-Mexico Boundary Survey, 1849-1854_.  He will place 
it in the larger context of editing historical documents, a risky 
business for historians in the academy.

Author of many books, including _The Spanish Frontier in North America_ 
(1992) and /_Barbaros_/_: Spaniards and Their Savages in the Age of 
Enlightenment_ (2005), Weber directs the William P. Clements Center for 
Southwest Studies at SMU in Dallas. He is a Fellow of the American 
Academy of Arts and Sciences and two governments have given him the 
highest award they bestow on foreigners: King Juan Carlos of Spain named 
him to membership in the /Real Orden de Isabel la Catolica,/ the Spanish 
equivalent of a knighthood, and Mexico named him to the /Orden Mexicana 
del guila Azteca /(the Order of the Aztec Eagle).

Priscilla Holmes
Coordinator, Fellowship and Educational Programs
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
beinecke.fellowships at yale.edu


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