[nativestudies-l] FILM: 5/1 - 5 Video Amazônia Indígena: A View from the Villages, NMAI in NYC

Alyssa Mt. Pleasant alyssa.mt.pleasant at yale.edu
Tue Apr 22 08:02:33 EDT 2008

The Film + Video Center of the *Smithsonian National Museum of the 
American Indian *invites you to:


*Video Amazônia Indígena: A View from the Villages*

* *Thursday, May 1- Monday, May 5, 2008, New York City/ Tuesday, May 6 - 
Sunday, May 11, 2008, Washington, D.C.





17 works by indigenous filmmakers of the Brazilian Amazon will be 
presented at the Smithsonian?s National Museum of the American Indian 's 
George Gustav Heye Center and other venues from *Thursday, May 1 
to  Monday, May  5 .*  The screenings and discussions are free. All 
works introduced by the directors. A full program schedule is available 
at: http://www.nativenetworks.si.edu/eng/blue/vai_08.htm 



    Symposium: /Voices From the Brazilian Amazon/

    May 1 at 4 p.m., NMAI Auditorium

    Leaders and videomakers from indigenous communities in Brazil will
    discuss the importance of their traditional knowledge, land rights,
    conservation, and cultural continuity, and share their perspectives
    about the future. 


    Followed by the premiere screening of *?Pirinop: My First Contact?*
    at 7 pm . Directed by Mari Corrêa and Karané Ikpeng, documents the
    first contact of the Ikpeng people with the ?white man? in 1964. 

 The showcase celebrates the achievements of Vídeo Nas Aldeias (VNA), a 
support and distribution network that has trained indigenous people to 
create their own videos for 20 years.  /*Vídeo Amazônia Indígena: A View 
from the Villages*/ is being presented in conjunction with Amazônia 
Brasil, a multicultural exhibition that brings the wealth and knowledge 
of the Amazon Forest to New York City from April 17 ? July 13.   


*/Vídeo Amazônia Indígena: A View from the Villages/** *is funded in 
part by the Smithsonian Latino Center and the Brazilian Embassy, and has 
received funds from New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency. 
Produced in collaboration with Amazônia Brasil; The King Juan Carlos I 
of Spain Center, New York University; Reel Thursdays/Migrating Media and 
Productions; Tribeca Film Fellows Program.


The Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian?s George Gustav 
Heye Center  is located at One Bowling Green in New York City, across 
from Battery Park.   By subway, the museum may be reached by the 1 to 
South Ferry, the 4 or 5 to Bowling Green or the R or W to Whitehall Street.

Amalia Córdova
Latin American Program Manager
Film + Video Center
Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian
1 Bowling Green, New York, NY 10004
Tel:       +1 212-514-3735
Fax:      +1 212-514-3725
Email:   cordovaa at si.edu
www.nativenetworks.si.edu <blocked::http://www.nativenetworks.si.edu/> / 
www.redesindigenas.si.edu <http://www.redesindigenas.si.edu>

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