[nativestudies-l] CONF: Colonial Commons Conference, May 29-30, UBC
Alyssa Mt. Pleasant
alyssa.mt.pleasant at yale.edu
Mon Apr 28 11:00:23 EDT 2008
>From the H-Amindian list-serve:
From: Signa Daum Shanks <sdaumsha at uwo.ca>
Subject: FYI: Colonial Commons Conference
Below please find the agenda for an interdisciplinary conference held
during Congress in Vancouver this year.
"Colonial Commons: land /law/living/labour" University of British
Columbia 29-30 May 2008
Registration information will be available shortly at
www.uow.edu.au/arts/colonialcommons The conference's coordinator, Ben
Maddison, can be contacted at benm at uow.edu.au.
Many thanks,
Signa Daum Shanks
Thursday 29 May C.K. Choi Building
9.00 Welcome, registration and opening
9.30 'Commons, Enclosure and Dispossession in the Colonization of
North America' (Allan Greer, Department of History, University of
10.00 'Expropriating the Colonial Commons: European Colonisation in
Asia, 1860-1940' (Andrew Wells, Faculty of Arts, University of
10.30 Tea
11.00 'Forest Law in the Palestine Mandate: Colonial Conservation
in a Unique Context' (David Schorr, Tel Aviv University)
11.30 'Colonial Land Policies in Lagos' (Lanre Davies, Olabisi
Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, Nigeria)
12.00 Lunch
1.30 'Regulation and governance of commons in New France and Lower
Canada.' (Colin Coates, Glendon College, York University, Ca.)
2.00 'Individual Entitlement and the Common Good: A Legal and
Conceptual History of Eminent Domain in Nineteenth Century India',
(Peter Samuels, Program in Modern Thought and Literature, Stanford
University, USA)
2.30 'Subaltern space: labour and the multipleuses of Australia's
colonial commons (Ben Maddison, School of History and Politics,
University of Wollongong, Australia)
3.00 Tea
3.15 'Imposing Common Property: Mare Liberum and Public Rights in
the British Columbia Fisheries' (Doug Harris, Faculty of Law, UBC)
3.45 'Grappling with Grasshoppers: Insect Control and the
"Ecological Commons" in British Columbia, Canada', (John Thistle,
Department of Geography, UBC)
4.15 General discussion and close
7.00 Conference Dinner (venue to be announced)
Friday 30 May C.K. Choi Building
9.30 Registration and Sustenance
10.00 'From "Blood and Fire" to the "Politics of Recognition":
Marx and Fanon on Primitive Accumulation in a Liberal Settler-State'
(Glen Coulthard, First Nations Studies and Political Science, UBC)
10.30 'Decolonizing "Commons" Discourse in Canada: Retrenchments
and Challenges to Colonial Enclosures" (Shiri Pasternak, University of
11.00 Tea
11.15 'Analyzing the Public/Private Distinction: The Push and Pull of
Sustainability on Commons Discourse' (Deborah Curran, Faculty of Law
and Environmental LawCentre, University of Victoria))
11.45 'Eating in Public' (Gaye Chan and Nandita Sharma, Department
of Ethnic Studies/Department of Sociology University of Hawai'i at
Manoa, Honolulu)
12.15 Lunch
1.30 'Caribou, Indigenous Peoples and Resource Management in
Canada's North: Commons or Commodity?' (Walter Bayha, Danny Beaulieu,
Allice Legat, Micheline Manseau, Deborah Simmons)
2.00 'What is "Inter-Indigeneous Law"? Finding a Historic
Collective Identity and Imagining its Implications Upon Modern Legal
Discourse' (Signa A. Daum Shanks, Department of History, University
of Western Ontario)
2.30 Plenary - Colonial Commons
3.00- 4.00 Close
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