[nativestudies-l] Occupation and Resistance in Northern Ireland, Palestine, and Hawai`i -- Wed. at 4:15pm

jkauanui at wesleyan.edu jkauanui at wesleyan.edu
Mon Apr 28 22:51:19 EDT 2008

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Occupation and Resistance: Contextualizing
Conflict in Northern Ireland, Palestine, and Hawai`i

Wednesday, April 30th
Public Affairs Center (PAC), Room 001
Wesleyan University

Professor Bruce Masters and J. Kehaulani Kauanui of Wesleyan along with
Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh from Wheels of Justice will speak on a panel that draws
connections between the conflicts in Northern Ireland, Hawaii, and

Professor Masters specializes in histories of Western Asia and Ireland.
Professor Kauanui emphasizes the study of race, law, and the
colonization/occupation of Hawaii. Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh is an author and
activist who advocates non-violent solutions to the Palestinian/Israeli

This event is sponsored by ADAPT and April Awareness Month and is free and
open to the public.

Please come!!!!!

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