[NHCOLL-L:12] a question about taxonomy of Beetles

ricardo ricardo at ans.com.au
Fri Mar 12 16:41:23 EST 1999

Dear Colleagues..

I would like to be please if you can answer for me following six

COLEOPTERA - Beetles :
1. How many species are assumed to exist.
2. How many coleopteran taxonomists are active now, and how many of them are
over 50 of age.
3. Where are the main lacunae in the present coleopterological expertise
Perhaps quantify).
4. Where and who are the active centres of training.
5. Finally, for a project called "Yellow book of missidentified ecological
studies" , can you supply us with a few blatant cases which should
demonstrate the mamndatory need for taxonomic services in each and every
monitoring and ecological project.
6. Do you know why in recent time taxonomists do not classify abundance
very rare, rare, common etc.) in monographic works?

Keep care and be of good cheer.


(name) Vratislav Richard Eugene Maria John Baptiste
(surname) of Bejsak (Bayshark)-Collorado-Mansfeld

Coleoptera - Australia, Tenebrionidae of World
(incl. Lagriinae, Alleculinae)

University of Sydney
The Wentworth Bldg.,
P.O.Box 62
NSW 2006
phone  :  +61 414 540 465
e-mail: vratislav at bigfoot.com
           ricardo at ans.com.au


Home address:
32 Girrawheen Ave.
Kiama NSW 2533

Only after the last tree has been cut down,
only after the last river has been poisoned,
only after the last fish has been caught,
only then will you find that money can not be eaten.'

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