[NHCOLL-L:13] figured specimens and topotypes

Charles Sturm csturmjr+ at pitt.edu
Fri Mar 12 19:35:26 EST 1999

I am new to this list and appologize if this topic has come up before.  I
believe that in most institutions, type material (holotypes, paratypes,
neotypes, cotypes, etc.) tend to be segregated from the general systematic
and reference collections.  How do others handle figured specimens that
are not types and topotypes, material from a type location that is not in
and of itself from the material that a taxon was described from?  Do
institutions segregate either or both of these classes or are they treated
like any "run of the mill" specimen.
  Thanks for your input.

Charlie Sturm, Jr
Research Associate - Section of Invertebrate Zoology
                     Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, PA
Assistant Professor - Family Medicine

csturmjr at pitt.edu

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