[NHCOLL-L:355] more on boxes

Liz McGhee emcghee at museum.nhm.uga.edu
Wed Nov 24 12:12:28 EST 1999

	So far everyone is recommending All-Packaging.  Louise  at
All-Packaging tells me that they are putting together an e-mail list to
circulate to museum folks so they'll have a chance to go in on big orders
to reduce costs/box.  They do customize boxes.  I wonder if most museums
use the same sizes for mammal skulls/skeletons or if sizes are all over the
place.  I would certainly like to know.  Could be some museums are using
box sizes within fractions of inches of others and just a little
modification would allow for these large orders from several museums to be
put together more frequently.


M.Elizabeth McGhee - Asst. Curator
Mammal, Bird, Reptile and Amphibian Collections
Georgia Museum of Natural History
University of Georgia
Athens, GA  30602-1882

phone:     706-542-3940
fax:          706-542-3920

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