[NHCOLL-L:358] Re: more on boxes

BROWN jeffbrow at NMSU.Edu
Wed Nov 24 20:09:32 EST 1999


I think many museums have specific sizes in mind when they order skeleton
boxes.  One consideration is the size of the drawer you are puting the
boxes on/in.  Make sure the a row of boxes will fill the space and not go
over or under, leaving wasted space.  Another consideration is the height
of the box, make sure it is not too high that the drawer above does not
hit it; causing the drawer to be moved one level higher(again wasting
space).  Make sure you leave allowances for the top, bottom, and sides of
the box itself, this will take-up millimeters and really mess-up the best
of measurements.  

Some Box companies will send you samples before you buy. I STRONGLY
encurage you to take advantage of this.

Yes, I am talking from experience! Nothing is more frustrating that having
600 unit trays that only fit three to a drawer, when you wanted four, AND
are a few millimeters too high so that the drawer above scrapes the unit
trays.  (No, I did not order them; a curator did.)

Jeff Brown

On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Liz McGhee wrote:

> 	So far everyone is recommending All-Packaging.  Louise  at
> All-Packaging tells me that they are putting together an e-mail list to
> circulate to museum folks so they'll have a chance to go in on big orders
> to reduce costs/box.  They do customize boxes.  I wonder if most museums
> use the same sizes for mammal skulls/skeletons or if sizes are all over the
> place.  I would certainly like to know.  Could be some museums are using
> box sizes within fractions of inches of others and just a little
> modification would allow for these large orders from several museums to be
> put together more frequently.
> Liz
> M.Elizabeth McGhee - Asst. Curator
> Mammal, Bird, Reptile and Amphibian Collections
> Georgia Museum of Natural History
> University of Georgia
> Athens, GA  30602-1882
> phone:     706-542-3940
> fax:          706-542-3920

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