[NHCOLL-L:805] herp specimens

HUMPHREY ROSANNE L humphrey at spot.colorado.edu
Tue Dec 5 16:26:54 EST 2000

As we get ready to pack up the collections for our move to a new facility,
we are culling our backlog of no-data amphibian and reptile specimens.
These are specimens that are not needed in our teaching collections. We
would prefer to give them to another institution, rather than throw them away.
 We would be happy pay for the cost of shipping if anyone is interested.
 Please pass this along to anyone who might want any of the
specimens listed below. 

Elaphe sp. (1)
Microhylidae (1)
Nerodia rhombifer (1)
Elaphe obsoleta (1)
Masticophis flagellum (1)
Masticophis sp. (3)
Agkistrodon contortrix (2)
Crotalus atrox (3)
Cnemidophorus sp. (100-200)
jars of mixed frog and lizard species (~50)

Rosanne Humphrey
Collection Manager, Zoology Section
University of Colorado Museum
Campus Box 315
Boulder, CO 80309-0315
humphrey at spot.colorado.edu
tel: (303) 492-0276

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