[NHCOLL-L:806] freeze drying specimens

Richard Monk rich.monk at ttu.edu
Tue Dec 5 16:29:27 EST 2000

Dear list,

Years ago, when I was a student working at the MLB Museum at BYU, they 
purchased a freeze drier and were using it to "prep" bird specimens.  As I 
recall, specimens up to the size of a pigeon were freeze dried.  Are other 
collections currently doing this?  If there is someone on the list who is, 
could you please contact me so I can ask you about the details (price, size 
of the drier, size of specimens, time required, etc.)

Thanks in advance,

Richard Monk
rich.monk at ttu.edu

Richard Monk
Curator of Collections
Natural Science Research Laboratory
Museum of Texas Tech University
Phone:  (806)742-2486
FAX:  (806)742-0362

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