[NHCOLL-L:405] Collection Managers' Salaries

Panza, Robin PanzaR at CarnegieMuseums.Org
Tue Jan 25 14:54:38 EST 2000

We at Carnegie MNH are performing "benchmarking" for, among other things,
staff salaries.  Salaries for curators have been looked at carefully, but
not collection managers' salaries.  I would very much like some appropriate
figures to be able to present to our management.  I especially want to find
out salary *ranges* from as many museums as possible.  Does anyone have such
a list already prepared?  If not, I'd appreciate *anyone* finding out for
their museum.  Rumor has it that we were compared to lab tech type positions
at a local university and were deemed overpaid.  Please help me get real

If ranges are not available, I will happily settle for individual salaries
with amount of time served.  Any personal figures will be kept
confidential--I will report a list of institutions separate from a list of
pay/tenure and promptly forget who's getting what.  That latter is not
really a joke--I have a terrible memory for things like that!

thanks in advance,

Robin K Panza                         panzar at carnegiemuseums.org
Collection Manager, Section of Birds          ph:  412-622-3255
Carnegie Museum of Natural History       fax: 412-622-8837
4400 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh  PA  15213-4008  USA

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