[NHCOLL-L:406] TDWG 2000 Meeting - further information

Georgina MacKenzie gmackenzie at york.biosis.org
Wed Jan 26 10:19:47 EST 2000

Further information on the Taxonomic Databases Working Group 
(TDWG) 2000 Meeting is now available at 
http://www.bgbm.fu-berlin.de/tdwg/2000/ or through the TDWG web 
site at http://www.tdwg.org. The main theme of the meeting is 
"Digitizing Biological Collections".

The Fees for the meeting (including Icebreaker Party and Dinner) 
will be approximately EURO 150 (about 150 USD) for non-members 
and EURO 75 for members* and students, with a 1/3 reduction for 
early registration (before July 31). Information on membership can 
be found at http://www.tdwg.org/membership.html

* Members in good standing; up to 3 persons per member 
institution can register at reduced rate.

Apologies for cross posting.

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