[NHCOLL-L:1149] label inks for fluid preserved specimens

Dee Stubbs dstubbs at nb.aibn.com
Thu Aug 16 11:18:52 EDT 2001

Can anyone comment on their experience using desktop laser printer toner
(such as Hewlett Packard toner # HPC4096A) on rag paper labels inside fluid
preserved specimen jars? Initial experimentation by our Zoology department
looks promising, but we have concerns about the longevity of the laser inks
(toner) in the fluid environment. Our specimens are prepared by initial
curing in Formalin and rinsed in water, and then stored in either 10%
Formalin: 90 % water solution,  or in 70% Ethanol: 30% water solution. I
have Simmon's article in SPNCH's "Storage of Natural History Collections",
but I am wondering if more up to date information is available.

Dee Stubbs
New Brunswick Museum
277 Douglas Avenue
Saint John, NB, Canada
E2K 1E5
tel (506) 643-2341
fax (506) 643-2360
dstubbs at nb.aibn.com

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