[NHCOLL-L:1154] Museum Assessment Program grant funding available-deadline remind er

Beth Merritt bmerritt at aam-us.org
Tue Aug 21 15:31:10 EDT 2001

Grants available to fund Museum Assessment
The Museum Assessment Program can help your museum improve its operations
through a three-phase process consisting of self-study, peer review, and
implementation.  Grants to underwrite most of the costs of an assessment are
available from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.  The next
deadline for IMLS MAP funding is November 1, 2001.  Grants are
non-competitive and are available on a first-come, first serve basis.
Contact MAP staff at the American Association of Museums for an application,
202-289-9118 or map at aam-us.org <mailto:map at aam-us.org> , and access more
detailed information on our Web site at www.aam-us.org

There are four Assessments available:

Institutional Assessment--provides an overview of the management and
operations of the entire museum.
Collections Management Assessment--reviews collections stewardship in the
context of overall museum operations; primarily focuses on collections
planning, policy and procedure
Public Dimension Assessment--reviews the entire operations of the museum and
how they serve the museum's audience; looks at the organization from the
outside in while focusing on the public's perception of, experience with,
and involvement with the museum. 
Governance Assessment--(New in 2001) helps the museum's governing authority
examine their structure, roles, and responsibilities. Enhances their ability
to advance the museum's mission and engage in effective planning.  Can
result in:
*	clearer understanding of the responsibilities of the governing
*	improvements in board recruitment, retention, and engagement
*	increased ability to obtain and manage resources

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