[NHCOLL-L:882] duplicate journals available

Laura Abraczinskas abraczi1 at pilot.msu.edu
Wed Feb 7 11:35:48 EST 2001

Dear Folks,

The Michigan State University Museum has some duplicate journals,
monographs and bulletins that are available for institutional transfer.
Please contact me off list if any items listed below are of interest for
your institution or department library, or if you have suggestions for
possible recipients.  We are making an attempt to find homes for these, if
they can be of use.  Thank you very much.

Laura Abraczinskas

American Naturalist Vols. 114-117

Australian Wildlife Research Vols. 2(2), 3(1,2), 4(2,3), 5(1-3)

Biotropica Vols. 1(1-2), 2(1), 3(1-2), 4(1-3), 8(3-4), 9(1-4), 10(1-3),
13(1-2, Supplement to 2, 3), 14(1)

California Fish and Game Vols. 1-72

Ecological Monographs Vols. 16, 29-42

Ecology Vols. 1-4, 40-63

Journal of Wildlife Management
Set 1 Vols. 1-44 [missing 8(1) and 41(2)]

Set 2 Vols. 10, 11, 12(1,2,4), 13(1,3,4), 14-17, 18(2,3,4), 19(1,2,4), 20,
21(2,3,4), 22-24, 25(2,3,4), 26(2,3,4), 27-38, 39(1), 40(3,4)

Set 3 Vols. 26(3), 29(1,2,4), 30

Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington Vols. 46-83

Roosevelt Wild Life Bulletin Vols. 1-7

Southwestern Naturalist Vols. 1-28

Wild Life Annals Vols. 2,4	

Wildlife Monographs
Set 1 Vols. 1-2, 4-8, 10-11, 13-16, 18, 20-29, 31-51, 55, 61-62, 64, 69, 73-74
Set 2 Vols. 5-8, 11, 14, 24, 26, 28, 34, 37, 50
Set 3 Vols. 8, 11

Wildlife Review Nos. 103-190

Wildlife Society Bulletin
Set 1 Vols. 1-4, 5(2-4), 6-8, 9(1,2,4), 10(1,2,4)
Set 2 Vols. 1-2, 3(1,4), 4, 5(2-4), 6, 7

Wilson Bulletin Vols. 50-94

Laura Abraczinskas, Collections Manager
Vertebrate Natural History Collections
Michigan State University Museum
East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1045

Office 517/355-1290
Fax 517/432-2846
abraczi1 at msu.edu

Laura Abraczinskas
Collections Manager
Vertebrate Natural History Collections
Michigan State University Museum
West Circle Drive
East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1045

517/355-1290 (office)
517/432-2846 (FAX)
abraczi1 at pilot.msu.edu

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