[NHCOLL-L:895] RE: Know what we need?

Roberta Faul-Zeitler faulzeitler at ascoll.org
Fri Feb 9 17:17:37 EST 2001

February 9, 2001

Dear NHCOLL subscribers:

We have been in Chicago for several days planning the upcoming ASC
Conference, but your various communications were awaiting when we returned,
and have provided some welcome suggestions.

Here's a heads up on what ASC has underway on the permitting front:

-- We are developing a major new section of our web site on permitting. We
asked for your input several months ago through NHCOLL and continue to value
the suggestions that you offer on information and resources that can help
you with your job. We have discussed with Mike Carpenter (FWS) a number of
ideas and linkages, and we are continuing to build our resource base. ASC
has no web manager. That has slowed us up a bit, but we will continue to
work on our permitting structure, anticipate that the section will be up
within the next 2 mos. (Please send positive suggestions !!)

-- Sally Shelton will reprise a portion of her fabulous permitting workshop
(Austin Nov. 2000)for delegates at the ASC Meeting in Chicago, with three
speakers from federal agencies. There are also other sessions for
collections managers planned for the meeting.

-- We have been meeting with USFWS officials and will be doing so again this
month. Our current concern is that the final CITES regulations, which were
signed off within the DOI, went to the OMB prior to publication in the
federal register. With the election of a new administration, these have been
SENT BACK for review by the administration. This could lead to a lengthy
delay, so for the moment we are in CITES limbo. [ASC provides updates on
issues like these in an electronic report that goes to museum directors and
representatives of ASC member institutions.]

-- We are also in FWS limbo, since no political appointee has been named to
head the agency.

-- ASC has no immediate plans to issue a new publications on wildlife laws
and regulations. In the future, we expect to produce materials on
professional practices and for professional development that will be either
in 3-ring notebooks or online (and available to members or subscribers). If
you do not own a copy of Controlled Wildlife (publ'd 1993) we have hundreds
of copies in stock (and on sale -- see our web site at www.ascoll.org).

Thanks again for all of the suggestions and concerns expressed. We will
filter these in adding to our web site, newsletter and conference.


Roberta Faul-Zeitler
Executive Director
Association of Systematics Collections
1725 K Street NW, Suite 601
Washington DC 20006
Tel. (202) 835-9050
FAX (202) 835-7334
Email: faulzeitler at ascoll.org
ASC is changing its name to the Natural Science Collections Alliance in
Spring 2001.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-nhcoll-l at lists.yale.edu
> [mailto:owner-nhcoll-l at lists.yale.edu]On Behalf Of Elaine Hoagland
> Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 11:31 AM
> To: NHCOLL-L at lists.yale.edu
> Subject: [NHCOLL-L:881] RE: Know what we need?
> Is there no institutional memory at ASC/of ASC at all????
> We bin there.  We did that.  It should be brought up to date and published
> in hard copy as well as in web-friendly format.  It takes work, but if ASC
> is not for this, what is it for?  This is one ASC function that both
> previous ASC Directors (Steve Edwards and I) cared about deeply as did the
> membership.
> Elaine
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Holly I. McEntee [mailto:hmcentee at facstaff.wisc.edu]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 10:13 AM
> To: NHCOLL-L at lists.yale.edu
> Subject: [NHCOLL-L:880] Know what we need?
> Say, if there's anyone out there willing to work on a book for the
> "Dummies" series titled "U.S. Wildlife Permit Laws for Dummies" I'm MORE
> than interested in helping.
> I'm sort of kidding, but having just slogged through yet another meeting
> with researchers who act totally surprised at the idea that there are
> wildlife laws on the books and permits that are needed in order to comply
> with said laws I'm desperate for ideas on how to educate the very people
> who most need to know about the laws in place and how to work with the
> system instead of against it.  I worry too about the students who
> are being
> trained by these folks - they aren't learning about permits and laws,
> either.  "U.S. Wildlife Permit Laws for Dummies" should be
> required reading
> for every natural history-related graduate student, if it existed.
> Sorry for the outburst, but it's frustrating.  Can I get a hallelujah?
> Holly
> Holly McEntee, Registrar and Permits Coordinator
> University of Wisconsin Zoological Museum
> Lowell E. Noland Zoology Building
> 250 N. Mills Street
> Madison, WI  53706-1794
> Phone/Fax:  608-262-3766/5395
> hmcentee at facstaff.wisc.edu
> http://www.wisc.edu/zoology/museum/museum.html

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