[NHCOLL-L:887] Re: Know what we need?

David Richman nmbugman at taipan.nmsu.edu
Wed Feb 7 15:33:08 EST 2001

Dear All:

         I quite agree with Dennis.  The situation is not bad here in the 
Southwest where I have contact with a number of very helpful state and 
federal government employees, but it gets dicey as you get out into the 
world.  Every country has different laws, many of which are open to all 
sorts of interpretation. Even in this country the laws are unevenly 
enforced and regulations vary from unit to unit even within federal 
agencies. Has anyone ever looked at the Federal Register of regulations- it 
is huge- and far from light reading!  Lord knows from where the new crop of 
taxonomists and museum people will come.   I know that am looking forward 
now to retirement and (I hope) a less stressful avocation as an artist, 
bird watcher, microscopist and gardener!

         These opinions are my own and not necessarily those of other 
members or administrators of my institution.


David B. Richman
Science Specialist and
Curator, The Arthropod Museum
Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Weed Science
MSC 3BE, Box 30003
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003
Tel: (505) 646-2900
Web pages: http://taipan.nmsu.edu/people/richman/dbr.html

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