[NHCOLL-L:893] the next generation

Holly I. McEntee hmcentee at facstaff.wisc.edu
Thu Feb 8 11:53:40 EST 2001

At 02:33 PM 2/7/2001 -0600, David B. Richman wrote:
>Lord knows from where the new crop of 
>taxonomists and museum people will come. 

I must give credit for my first exposure to the myriad of laws and permit
procedures to the Museum Studies Program at the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln and to the faculty that taught the courses on natural
history collections management.  Brett Ratcliffe scared the doo-doo out of
all of us students with ominous stories of non-compliance (in all honesty
he was very professional).  It is probably because of my experience of
learning about at least the basics of wildlife laws and permits in a
graduate program setting that I feel strongly that this is an arena in
which more education could take place on these topics.  Now, the trick is
to find a standard way to do this....*sigh*

Thanks again for the great discussion.


Holly McEntee, Registrar and Permits Coordinator
University of Wisconsin Zoological Museum
Lowell E. Noland Zoology Building
250 N. Mills Street
Madison, WI  53706-1794
Phone/Fax:  608-262-3766/5395
hmcentee at facstaff.wisc.edu

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