[NHCOLL-L:1030] ethanol preserved plant-collection

Piet Stoffelen piet.stofellen at br.fgov.be
Thu May 3 09:44:01 EDT 2001

We had to renew our ethanol collections facility according to the
environmental  legislation. (Including new ventillation system which
will result in faster evaporation of ethanol). The mean principles are
evacuation of ethanol vaps and removing everything that is combustible.

Parts of plants were preserved in small bowls (most of them glass, some
of them in plastic). The lids are in plastic, rubber or metal. Those are
not permanent because they are breaking or rusting after some years. The
plastic bowls are breaking.

Can anyone give a suggestion in which kind of jars we can preserve the
collection (not expensive and with a minimal evaporation of alcohol).



Piet Stoffelen

National Botanic Garden of Belgium
Domein van Bouchout
B-1860 Meise
Phone: +32-(0)2-269.39.05 ---------- Fax: +32-(0)2-270.15.67

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