[NHCOLL-L:1423] Specialist of Byrrhidae

Fabio Penati museo.morbegno at provincia.so.it
Tue Jan 8 09:09:07 EST 2002

Dear colleagues,
    I write you in search of help. I need to find a referee for a paper dealing with the description of a new genera and a new species of Byrrhidae from Nepal related to Gen. Lioligus Casey.
    The paper has been submitted to our review "Il Naturalista Valtellinese" and it is unfortunately written in Italian (sigh!). I realise that it is not easy at all and that NHCOLL list is not the most suitable site where to post an e-mail of this kind, but I hope someone can help me.
    Thank you very much and happy new year to everyone.

Sincerely yours,
Fabio Penati

Museo Civico di Storia Naturale
Via Cortivacci, 2
23017 Morbegno (SO) Italy
tel. +39 0342 612451
fax +39 0342 615528
e-mail: museo.morbegno at provincia.so.it
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