[NHCOLL-L:1550] IPA PaleoLink database

Cormack, Michael S msc at ku.edu
Fri Mar 29 11:19:21 EST 2002


I would like to announce an addition to the International Palaeontological
Association website (http://ipa.geo.ukans.edu) and at the same time ask for
your assistance.  With nearly 200 links on our previous link page, searching
for paleo-related links was becoming a difficult and time consuming
endeavor.  To that end I have created PaleoLink
(http://ipa.geo.ukans.edu:591/PaleoLink/paleolink.html), a searchable
database of paleo-related links that allows users to more easily find those
sites that match their particular interests. 

Not only can you search the database, you can also enter data to create
links to your own paleo-related websites.  The more records the database
contains, the more helpful it will become.  Please take a moment and check
out the PaleoLink database.  If you have a paleo-related database, please
visit the New Record page and enter information about your website.  Some
web developers might find their sites already listed in the database.  If
so, check out your record and let me know if you would like any changes

While at the IPA site, please visit the other IPA databases: the Directory
of Paleontologists and the Directory of Fossil Collections (both easily
accessible from the main IPA page).  If you have not yet entered information
into either of these databases, please do so.  I strongly encourage museum
curators and collection managers to enter data about their collections into
the Directory of Fossil Collections.

As always, if you have any questions about the PaleoLink database, or any
aspect of the IPA site, please let me know.  Thank you in advance for your


Michael Cormack
IPA Webmaster

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