[NHCOLL-L:1725] G.F. Matthew Research Grants in Geology

William Douglas Boyce wdb at zeppo.geosurv.gov.nf.ca
Wed Oct 16 15:17:38 EDT 2002

The New Brunswick Museum is pleased to announce the 2003 G.F. Matthew
Research Grants in Geology. Normally, one grant of $1,000 (CAN) and one up
to $500 (CAN) is awarded each year. The grant is advertised in french and
english via the internet and application forms are available to download
from the museum's web site. Please feel free to forward this message to
your colleagues.

Grant application forms and a list of previous grants awarded can be found
on the New Brunswick Museum, Natural Sciences Department web site. The NBM
web site is http://www.gnb.ca/0130/. Follow the links to "Collections",
"Natural Science", and "Click here" to connect to the Natural Sciences
Department web site. From there follow the links to "Grants" and click on
"Application Form" for a pdf version of the form or "George Frederic
Matthew Research Grants in Geology" for a list of previous recipients,
project titles and publications supported by the grant.

FOR 2003

George Frederic Matthew MA, DSc, LLd, FRSC (1837-1923) was a founding
member of the Natural History Society of New Brunswick, formed in 1862.  He
published over two hundred papers on geology, palaeontology and
archaeology.  Although he maintained his career at the Custom House, he
became internationally known for his studies in palaeontology.  Much of his
collection is now part of the holdings of the New Brunswick Museum.  This
grant programme recognizes his enormous contribution by supporting field
and laboratory work and encourages collections-based research of a museum

Proposals of high quality in the areas of palaeontology, stratigraphy,
paleoecology, mineralogy and petrology are invited.  All, or most, of any
field research must be carried out in New Brunswick.

Research Fellowship - $1000.00 - open to established scientists attached to
universities, museums and government agencies, as well as graduate students.

Research Scholarship - $500.00 - open to students only, both graduate and

Applicants should send research proposals, accompanied by a detailed budget
and application form, by December 31, 2002 to:

Dr. R.F. Miller
Curator of Geology
New Brunswick Museum
277 Douglas Avenue
Saint John, New Brunswick
Canada  E2K 1E5
(506) 643-2361


POUR 2003

George Frederic Matthew MA, DSc, LLd, FRSC (1837-1923) fut un membre
fondateur de la SociÈte d'histoire naturelle du Nouveau-Brunswick en 1862
et publia au-dela de 200 publications scientifiques sur la gÈologie, la
palÈontologie et l'archÈologie.  Tout en continuant sa carriere au bureau
de douane, il devint internationalement connu pour ses Ètudes en
palÈontologie.  Une grande partie de ses collections font maintenant partie
des avoirs du MusÈe du Nouveau-Brunswick.

Nous sollicitons des propositions de haute qualitÈ dans les domaines de la
palÈontologie, la palÈoecologie, la mineralogie, et la petrologie.  La
majeure partie de la recherche sur place doit etre effectuÈe au

Bourse de recherche - 1 000 $ - accessible aux scientifique Ètablis qui
sont rattachÈs aux universitÈs, musÈes et organismes gouvernementaux, ainsi
qu'aux Ètudiants du deuxieme cycle.

Subvention de recherche - 500 $ - accesible aux Ètudiants uniquement,
Ètudiants du premier et deuxieme cycles.

Les requÈrants devraient faire parvenir leurs propositions de recherche,
accompagnÈes d'un budget dÈtaille, au plus tard le 31 dÈcembre 2002 a:

Dr. R.F. Miller
MusÈe du Nouveau-Brunswick
277, avenue Douglas
Saint John (N.-B.)
Canada  E2K 1E5
(506) 643-2361

Randall F. Miller, Ph.D., P.Geo.
Steinhammer Palaeontology Laboratory
New Brunswick Museum
277 Douglas Avenue, Saint John, NB CANADA E2K 1E5

Adjunct Professor
Department of Geology, University of New Brunswick

tel: (506) 643-2361
fax: (506) 643-2360
e-mail: millerrf at nb.aibn.com

Search NBM science collections on-line at http://www.gnb.ca/0130/
Mr. W. Douglas Boyce, M.Sc., P.Geo., Provincial Paleontologist,
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Mines and Energy,
Geological Survey Division, Regional Geology Section,
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, Canada A1B 4J6

Phone:	(709) 729-2163
Fax:	(709) 729-4270
Email:	wdb at zeppo.geosurv.gov.nf.ca
WWW:	http://www.geosurv.gov.nf.ca/mapping/boyce.html

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