[NHCOLL-L:1988] wet collections questions

janet gillette jgillette at MNA.mus.az.us
Wed Jul 9 20:48:52 EDT 2003

My background is paleontology collections so now that I've inherited care of
a small fluid preserved collection I'm in need of advice.  We have limited
support (~$500) to replace about 1,100 Bakelite and metal jar lids with more
appropriate museum quality lids & liners.  

I've done some research and found reference that polypropylene lids and &
Teflon liners are preferred.  In talking with representative of Kols
Containers I was told that while Teflon may be preferred, the reality is
that most institutions can't afford it and use foamed polyethylene liners
instead.  Is this true?  Is there a big difference in quality between the
two?  Should we settle for the polyethylene liners? 

Also, alcohol fumes in the wet collection room are very strong.  The room is
small, of cinder block construction, and lacks ventilation.  I'd like to
install an exhaust fan to vent fumes.  Should this fan be explosion
proof/spark proof?  I expect this will be expensive, perhaps well beyond our
budget.  Are there other safe alternatives?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.


Janet Whitmore Gillette
Assoc Collection Manager, Natural History
Museum of Northern Arizona
3101 N. Fort Valley Road
Flagstaff, AZ  86001
(928) 774-5211 ext 265
 jgillette at mna.mus.az.us

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