[NHCOLL-L:1990] Copyright

Dr H. Fourie fourie.h at nfi.co.za
Thu Jul 10 02:33:05 EDT 2003

We have discussed this issue before, but at present the Transvaal Museum is finding themselves in a position where a company took or obtained photographs of our hominid and other palaeontological specimens and are selling/giving them to publishing companies.  Our guess is that they are selling the photographs for a fee higher than what we would charge.  Really strange.  The museum them looses acknowledgement for the photographer, museum name, donation of book and storage facility.
Is this breeching of copyright?  Should we persue this further?
Are researchers from other Institutions allowed to trade with photographs of our specimens once they have photographed them?
Thanks in advance.
Dr H. Fourie
Research: Vertebrate Palaeontology
Transvaal Museum
South Africa
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