[NHCOLL-L:1960] Univ. of Arkansas Museum shut down

Nancy McCartney nmccartn at uark.edu
Mon Jun 23 17:28:13 EDT 2003


We learned  Monday that The Museum will be closed as of October 31st due to 
budget cuts.  I am in need of advice of how to handle the zoology collections 
in an ethical and legal manner.  Also, we would like to know what other 
institutions/individuals have done to rally community support for their 
facilities! Please contact me via email.  Thank you.

Dr. Nancy McCartney
Curator of Zoology/Discovery Room Coordinator
202 Museum Building
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701
479-575-3472 am   Discovery Room
479-575-4370 pm   Zoology Curation
fax: 479-575-8766 am; 7464 pm

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