[NHCOLL-L:2080] cleaning carpets in exhibition areas

janet gillette jgillette at MNA.mus.az.us
Fri Sep 19 17:05:13 EDT 2003

Sorry for the cross posting.

I have a question about the proper way to clean carpets in exhibit
areas.  We have very dirty & stained carpeting throughout the exhibition
areas that needs to be cleaned.  Exhibited objects types vary, but
include archaeological, ethnographic, and fine art pieces.

What type of carpet cleaners are recommended for use in areas where
objects are exhibited?  Wet cleaners will elevate humidity levels while
dry chemical cleaners will introduce unwanted & toxic chemicals.
Neither seems a good alternative.

How do others in this situation solve the problem?  Must you remove all
objects prior to cleaning?  Are there museum standards anywhere that
address this?  I’d be grateful for any advice on how others handle this
housekeeping issue.

Thanks in advance.


Janet Whitmore Gillette
Museum of Northern Arizona
3101 N. Fort Valley Road
Flagstaff, AZ  86001

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