[NHCOLL-L:2082] Ideas for a new ledger system?

Christopher Conroy ondatra at socrates.Berkeley.EDU
Tue Sep 23 15:29:44 EDT 2003


       At the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology we are designing a ledger 
for a printed version of our catalog. Until now, we have had a 
handwritten card file for accessions and catalogs. Since many of our 
accessions now come with a spreadsheet or database, or we organize 
accessions with spreadsheets, we are planning to catalog 
electronically and print out a hard copy. Since this is a new concept 
for us, we would be interested to see examples of other museums' 
ledgers (or card catalogs) that have been printed out from a database.
       If you would be willing to send us a digital copy of a sample 
page or two of your museum's ledger, we would appreciate it. Please 
respond to me directly, not to the whole list.



Chris J. Conroy

Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
3101 Valley Life Sciences Building
University of California
Berkeley, California  94720-3160
phone: (510) 643-7709
fax: (510) 643-8238

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