[NHCOLL-L:2086] RE: Ideas for a new ledger system?

Phil Myers pmyers at umich.edu
Wed Sep 24 12:11:38 EDT 2003

In the Mammal Division at the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, 
we back up our electronic catalogs with paper (print) copies, which 
follow the same format as our old hand-written ledgers and are bound 

Phil Myers

On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, at 09:17 AM, Panza, Robin wrote:

>>>> From: Christopher Conroy [mailto:ondatra at socrates.Berkeley.EDU]
>        At the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology we are designing a ledger
> for a printed version of our catalog. Until now, we have had a
> handwritten card file for accessions and catalogs. Since many of our
> accessions now come with a spreadsheet or database, or we organize
> accessions with spreadsheets, we are planning to catalog
> electronically and print out a hard copy. <<<
> This brings up a point that I'd like to hear discussed.  My boss says 
> paper
> records are a thing of the past--that places that digitize their 
> records
> then don't deal in paper copies at all.  I'd like to hear if that's the
> attitude at other museums, and the reasons why or why not.
> Personally, I know I'm very conservative and want an archival-paper 
> backup
> of anything electronic, but how do others feel?  If we're backing up
> regularly, is there a reason to maintain card files or ledgers?
> Robin
> Robin K Panza
> Section of Birds, Carnegie Museum of Natural History
> 4400 Forbes Ave.
> Pittsburgh  PA  15213  USA
> phone:  412-622-3255
> fax:  412-622-8837
> panzar at carnegiemuseums.org
Philip Myers
Associate Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Associate Curator of Mammals
Museum of Zoology
1109 Geddes
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI  48109

tel. 1-734-647-2206

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